Self-Esteem and

Body Positivity Therapy

Therapy for those who are tired of feeling insecure with themself and their body.


You are a success, but insecurities and uncertainties keep sneaking their way into important areas of your life.

Once again, the negative self-talk and constant comparing has made you feel less confident.  You are aware that many of your thoughts are not rational, yet they keep coming up and it is hard to contain them.  You are self-aware, so you know that some of these cruel thoughts must be deeply rooted. 

You may think things like:

  • You are not good enough.

  • Something is inherently defective and wrong with your body.

  • You can’t control your relationship with food. You think about it all day long.

  • You must work harder and be more productive to feel better about yourself.

  • Somehow you are behind, and others are doing a much better job being successful, loved, beautiful and important.

  • Often times, you blame yourself for things that are not your fault.

You may believe that happiness comes from other’s recognition, the need for public success, or attention.   You find yourself ‘on-guard”, sensing what others may be thinking or saying...…you may even change like a chameleon, changing according to who you are around.   Overtime this fakeness and hyper-vigelence leaves you exhausted, full of self-doubt and despair.  The cycle can repeat itself and you once again connect to the cruel, critical voice in your head.


You can build your self-esteem and make peace with your body.

Therapy will enable you to show up as the successful person you forgot you are.  

You can reconnect with your sense-of-self and heal past pain.  You can show up authentically in your relationships and be confident of your choices.

Poor body image and disordered eating are responses to emotional pain, unhealed trauma and overwhelming circumstances that seem unmanageable. Therapy with me looks like healing emotional wounds from your past, learning effective communication skills, getting good at boundary setting, practicing Intuitive Eating skills, and connecting with your body as you calm your anxious nervous system.

You are the boss of you…the answers and strength you seek are already inside of you.

I will help you find it.

Self-Esteem Therapy can help you:

  • Trust that the most important relationship is the one you have with yourself.  

  • Identify the root cause of your critical thoughts.

  • Let go of relationships, situations and choices that are not good for you.

  • Identify your wants, needs, talents and values to help you move forward, being the “unique you”.

  • Bring courage to pivot and move forward on a new path.

  • Understand any unhealthy patterns of restricting food, binging, purging, or exercising,

  • Understand the patterns of the obsessive thoughts.

The most important relationship we have in life is the one we have with ourself.


Common questions about self-esteem and body image.

  • Self-esteem is the foundation for a happy life. It is the guiding influence for every choice you make. If you struggle with low self-esteem, you may allow others to treat you poorly, need constant validation or make poor decisions. Higher self-esteem enables you to have more success at work, healthy relationships and positive mental and physical well-being.

  • They both have a significant impact on your sense of self-worth and well-being. Often times, people struggle with both low self-esteem and poor body-image. This makes emotion regulation extremely difficult. You can break this cycle with therapy and personal self-improvement work.

  • Yes. I enjoy working with folks who struggle with food, their body and self-care. I believe disordered eating is rooted in unhealed trauma. It is a trauma response as you try to control and numb painful emotions, beliefs and unmanageable circumstances. I concentrate on trauma work, Intuitive Eating Skills and Somatic Psychotherapy. This combination will help you reconnect with your body, control the anxiety you feel and heal the trauma wounds from your past. You will learn to effectively communicate, set healthy boundaries and care for yourself.